CHRISTIANS: Christ Has Risen Inside So That Individuals Are Nearing Sanctification
JESUS: Joyful with Every Saint Under Salvation
SOAR (IN JESUS): Staying Over All Roadblocks (I'm Now Joyful with Each Step Under Salvation)*
TRUST: Total Rest Unto Surrender Today
STOP: Stand Together On (Godly) Principle(s)
STAND: Stay Tough And Never Detour (or Derail)
Here are a couple from my pastor, Pastor Betty Moede:
SWAT: Spiritual Warfare Advanced Training
BELIEVE: Because Emmanuel Lives I Expect Victory Every time
RISE UP: Respond In Sincere Expression Until Purpose and destiny are accomplished! (FOR THIS ONE ONLY: she's not sure if this one had been hers or she read it somewhere--many years ago)
Here is one Helene Peters came up for at my church:
CPR: Christians Praising (or Praying) Relentlessly
Here are some better-known ones (AUTHORS UNKNOWN -- at least to me):
FROG: Fully Rely On God
DOG: Depend On God
GRACE: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense
ASAP: Always Say A Prayer
TGIF: Today God Is First
Thank God I ’m Forgiven
FEAR: False Evidence Appear Real
FAITH: Fantastic Adventures In Trusting Him
My personal rendition:
Forsaking All I Trust Him
*Originally-- "Roadblocks" was "Rejection" when I came up with this acronym, but I changed it to become more inclusive. And that's a whole other story for another time.