We are the Anointed
We are the anointed ministers of reconciliation
Spreading the News of the Gospel
That all the world may be saved
For the Glory of His Name.
We are the anointed inheritance of God
Given as a gift of Love to His Son
As His Son is the Father’s gift to us
That His Glorious Life and power may be manifested.
We are the anointed Body of Christ
Called to serve the Lord with our giftings and callings.
We move and operate in the 5-fold ministry
So that God’s Glory manifests upon this earth.
We are the anointed Bride of Christ
United by our faith and relationship with Him
We express forth the truth of His love
Until the fullness of the Lord’s Glory is revealed.
Shawn Moultrie
(Rev. January 9, 2009)
I Am Anointed
I am anointed
For Christ lives within me empowering me
To accomplish ALL that He wills me to do
That He would be glorified.
I am anointed
To write best-sellers
Imparting His message to those who would receive
All for the Glory of God.
I am anointed
To heal the sick and the diseased
Ministering through the power of the Spirit
For the Glory of His Name.
To speak Godly words
Of Life and encouragement
For the Glory of God’s Kingdom.
I am anointed
To do good works
Walking in Love, Faith, and Truth
Manifesting forth the character and nature of His Glory.
I am anointed
To supply a testimony and be a witness
For the advancing of the Gospel
All for the Glory of God.
I am anointed
To be a blessing
For the enabling of the Body
So that the Light of Life displays forth His Glory.
I am anointed
To bring forth out of my supply
For the assembling of the Body
So that all the earth will know that Jesus
  Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Shawn Moultrie
(Rev. January 9, 2010)
I Am an Amber
I am an amber.
Within my form I contain (the) seeds
Of giftings, of destiny, and of power
Resurrection power to bring forth Life.
With His Glory shining through my vessel
I shine in translucent, golden color
Easily cut and polished by the Master Craftsman
Hidden treasures are made known.
I am an amber
A living ember holding fire
Destined to boldly blaze
I live to offer myself as supply for His work.
Assembling with other ambers,
We give forth of ourselves
Combining in unity
As the Wind of the Spirit blows upon us.
We are His ambers
Shining as a bronze-clad army
Spreading the fire of His Glory
We stand victorious against His enemies.
Shawn Moultrie
(Rev. January 9, 2010)
I am an amber.
Within my form I contain (the) seeds
Of giftings, of destiny, and of power
Resurrection power to bring forth Life.
With His Glory shining through my vessel
I shine in translucent, golden color
Easily cut and polished by the Master Craftsman
Hidden treasures are made known.
I am an amber
A living ember holding fire
Destined to boldly blaze
I live to offer myself as supply for His work.
Assembling with other ambers,
We give forth of ourselves
Combining in unity
As the Wind of the Spirit blows upon us.
We are His ambers
Shining as a bronze-clad army
Spreading the fire of His Glory
We stand victorious against His enemies.
Shawn Moultrie
(Rev. January 9, 2010)