There are three main reasons I write. The first is that writing is fun. The second is that it is the first command the Lord has ever given me. Third, I am miserable if I’m not writing something.
I began writing just before I became a Christian. Upon entering the sixth grade, a friend had been placed in a reading class that I was not. She was doing creative endeavors while I was stuck unimaginative, overly structured, paper cut-out reading class. Normally I loved reading but my class made it completely unstimulating and bland. One of her initial assignments was to write a short story. So I tried it and loved it. If that was homework, give me some more.
Then when I became a Christian I asked the Lord what He wanted me to do. He commanded me, “You must write for me,” in an audible voice. Even though I knew there was no one behind me to say this, and that it was the Lord speaking, I still turned as if it was an actual person standing there, but of course there wasn‘t.
If I do not write for the Lord, not only am I violating a command that He has given me, I am miserable. If I go a few days without writing something, I begin to self-destruct. I shut down, pull myself inward, and get depressed. My mind is constantly generating ideas and thoughts. If I hinder the release of these thoughts and ideas upon paper or computer, I am like a river without an outlet.
This desire to share a part of who I am, to share a part of my passion with others, is something I must do. I love watching how my writing can draw people closer to the Lord, encouraging them to go deeper, challenging their desire to know the Lord more. The revelation He brings forth is so awesome, that I want everybody to know it and how amazing He is. I want to see God’s transforming power working through the lives of people, knowing that my contribution made a difference, and that God gets the glory. Just how awesome is that?
So if I want to fulfill the purpose and destiny for my life, I must do no less than write. When I write for God’s glory, everything else in my life falls into place and I am truly satisfied.