May your love remain:
As fragrant as a newly bloomed rose,
As tender as a newborn's touch,
And as enduring as Christ's Love for His Bride.
(October 23, 1999)
All Graphics:
Examples from "Love Letters" Between the Lord and His Bride:
1/6/01 (this one from pre-formatted text):
My Bride,
Beloved, I love you so much. I have an overwhelming urge to sweep you in My arms and yet I wait for my Father's call to bring you into His House. Your sweet voice fills my head and your touch sears my memory. Oh, the love shown in your eyes--I would turn from them for the strength that they wield... I long for us to be united at this time and for all Eternity. Draw closer to me still and know we'll always be together... My Love, you're the reason I came. I long for the time where we will be united as one for all Eternity.
I Love You Always,
The Bridegroom
My Jesus,
(*sigh*) I could gaze into your eyes forever...within them my spirit is quickened and I gain new revelation of Who you are, of your Glory, your Honor, Your very Presence--that I may know you deeper intimacy as I continue pursuing you...
Oh, how I love You...You are my Lord, my Bridegroom King and I desire to know the steadfastness of your love and passion for me. For I desire to carry it to the lost and dying world tht they may know you more and more...that it is not I that they see but you, my Lord--King of Kings, Lord of Lords...
Your faithfulness is unending and your promises never fail, and you dare not lose even one...Why see even one not in Your Presence? (Why deprive them?)
Oh,Love of my life, how I long to know you deeper,have that passionate desperation for you increasingly grow and expand for you. Lord, stir up the embers within me, for you are God,and nothing--no one--is out of Your reach. Quicken my spirit, draw me in deeper and deeper--never stop for I can't go on without more of you...You ARE the air I breathe.
For Always,
Your Angel of Mercy
My Darling, (my dear one),
Do not back away. Pull down that wall that I may hold you in my arms once more(. Let me in) and I will take away all the hurt. You did not hurt me (as bad) as you thought, for my love (for you) consumed the reprocussion--sp? intended.
I know you so well and I know that you did not desire to "attack" with those actions, that temper. I love you, and your anger cannot stop me from loving you. Let me in to heal those wounds behind the anger.
I see the goodness, the purity, within you. I know you love me. Do not think you must back away in order not to hurt me. I know you, I love you, I accept you as you are. Do not deny me the pleasure, the joy of your presence...
There...(slight pause) [your heart] is opening. How beuatiful, how tender is your love for me. Oh, my dove, draw in, draw into my love. Do not be afraid of loving me too much.
Yes, [your love for me] will become stronger than you know and create such a longing, a desperation that you will burst forth from the pressure but do not fear...Undending is my love for you, my Angel, my princess.
Your Love and Life,
My Darling Lord,
I love You with all my heart. How I long for You to clearly see Your reflection in my eyes--Your character and nature--that I may be as clear and transparent as glass--the sea of glass in Heaven--such clear blue that one can see the depths and yet, reflective that one can see his/her reflection as You look upon me. Oh, how I long to be that reflection, my Love. And only You have that power to change me--I desire for You to complete that great work within me...it is what You have started and You never leave anything incomplete.
Your Angel,
Angel of Mercy
My Angel,
How that name suits you--my very own treasure... Why do you back away from the models of love I have placed before you?
It is not a silly dream, my darling. It is not a childish thing that must be put away. That desire--your desire for me, my love, must be allowed to bloom, to blossom.
O, gentle flower, if your petals do not unfold, how can I delight in your fragrance? How will it rise as a sweet-smelling savor?
Come to me; run to me, my darling. Allow yourself to receive more of me. Pure love cannot hurt you. It will only heal you--if you let it.
Let me into your heart...and see you smile, to see you dance for me. I'd fall in love with you all over again.
Your desire for love and to love is not a childish dream meant to dwindle to nothing, but a priceless treasure...and I treasure your love...
Love me as I love you. This command has a great promise to which comes the greatest reward--eternity with me...
Do not hold back; do not try to "become pure" apart from me, and try to make yourself into that "worthy" Bride. Know that YOU ARE WORTHY! The impurity you see is only dross that must be separated from you and it is. I will not stop working till I've completed this within you. This is my promise to you.
You are mine and I am yours forever,
King of Kings, Lord of Lords
O My Lord,
...The promises you give are Yours to give at the time You desire. I know You cannot go back on the promises You have given for they are established in the Heavenlies and therefore must be revealed upon this earth. I will abide till You say it's time.
My Lord, I wish to know Your joy...such an intensity that Your Love comes spilling out everywhere and to everyone I meet. For Your love, Lord, is so precious and contains so much that man needs to partake from You. What joy! Pure joy!...
Oh, Lord, I want the joy of loving You even in the midst of adversity, even despite the risk to my life--be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. Show me how to live, though I die! Just please don't allow me death without knowing Your joy, that I might be joyful even in persecution and suffering. That I might show forth your glory and less of me.
Your Tattered and Broken Angel